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Riding the School Bus is a Privilege
Transportation safety guidelines are established to help ensure the safest ride possible for your student on the school bus. Riding the school bus is a privilege. Each student extended this privilege has a right to a safe, non-coercive environment on the school bus while riding to and from school or related events. Each student has the responsibility to follow the direction of the driver and established safety guidelines. Failure to do so adversely affects the safety of all other passengers and will result in action being taken. This action may include but is not limited to assigned seats, detention, and/or suspension of riding privileges.
The school bus driver has sole responsibility for the safety of his or her passengers and the condition of his or her vehicle. With this, the driver is given the authority and responsibility to enforce the safety guidelines as established by Inver Grove Heights Schools and Safeway Bus Company. Each driver is required to maintain a Commercial Driver’s License and receives training in driving skills, student management, and emergency procedures.
ISD 199/Safeway Bus Company Safety Guidelines
Below are the safety guidelines and consequences established by Inver Grove Heights Schools (ISD 199) and Safeway Bus Company. Any questions or comments can be directed to your building principal, Safeway Bus Company at 651-451-1375, or the Transportation Office at 651-306-7095.
At the bus stop:
- Get to the bus stop 5-10 minutes before your scheduled pick-up time. The school bus driver usually cannot wait for late students.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for the safety of the student on their way to and from the bus stop. (Please see more information in the Family Expectations section below)
- Do not walk through others' yards to get to the bus stop.
- Respect the property of others while waiting at your stop, and stay a respectful distance from other neighbors' homes.
- Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.
- Use appropriate language.
- Stay away from the street, road, or highway while waiting for the bus. Wait until the bus stops before approaching the bus.
- After getting off the bus, move away from the bus.
- If you must cross the street, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you. Wait for the driver to signal before you cross the street.
- No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.
- No use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
On the bus:
- Immediately follow the direction of the driver.
- Sit in your own seat, facing forward.
- Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
- Keep all parts of your body in the bus.
- Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.
- No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.
- Do not throw any objects.
- No eating, drinking, or use of tobacco or drugs.
- Do not bring any weapons, cigarette lighters, or other dangerous objects on the bus.
- Do not damage the bus.
- Verbal warning, seat re-assignment.
- First referral: Conduct report issued, parent notified, possible detention.
- Second referral: Conduct report issued, parent notified, possible detention and/or one to five (1-5) day suspension from bus.
- Third referral: Conduct report issued, parent notified, possible suspension of riding privileges for up to full school year. Conference may be scheduled with parent, administrative representative, and transportation representative.
Suspension: The following are examples of serious behaviors which may result in an automatic suspension of riding privileges for the full school year.
- Use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs; fighting, hitting, biting, or spitting.
- Threat,harm, or harassment of any person(s) on the school bus.
- Possession or use of any dangerous objects (knives, guns, lighters, etc.)
- Vandalism to bus.
- Defying the bus driver.
- Unauthorized exit from any emergency exit.
- Throwing articles in and out of the school bus.
- Body parts hanging out the window.
Family Expectations
Parents/guardians are responsible for the student’s safety to and from the bus stop. In the event that bus service is delayed, parents/guardians should be prepared to assume responsibility for the student’s welfare until the bus arrives.
Students need to arrive at their bus stop at least 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick up times. If the student is not outside and visible at the stop on time, the bus driver will continue on the route. The bus driver will not return for a student who is not at the bus stop on time. The parent/guardian is responsible for providing alternative transportation in these cases.
As students wait for the bus, they must respect the property of the neighbors around them. They are not to walk through yards or be near the house where the stop is located. If students create issues at the bus stop location, ISD 199 Transportation has the right to remove them from that bus stop.