Student Medications at School

If students need medicine dispensed while they are at school, parents must complete a permission form and have it signed by the student's doctor. A new form must be placed on file with the school each year.

Click here for a Procedures for Dispensing Medications at School Form, which includes specific details of the district's policy (including for nonprescription medications).

When it is necessary for a student to receive prescription or non-prescription medication at school, the medication is kept in the Health Office, with the exception of inhalers, Epipens or when special arrangements have been made. The students must have:
  • The medication in the original container.
  • Written permission from the parent.
  • Written order from the physician.
The intent of the ISD 199 Medication Policy is to provide safety for students. Each fall, the Health Service staff completes a self audit of medications for compliance with school procedure.