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Winter Weather-related Flex Learning Day FAQs
Q: What are Flex Learning Days?
A: The state of Minnesota decides the minimum amount of time students must be in class in a standard school year, and school cancellations caused by severe weather make it challenging to meet the state’s requirements. With the tools and skills our students, staff, and families have become familiar with, learning can continue, even when conditions are too dangerous for buildings to be open.
The district will contact families about any building closures. On the third winter weather closure of the school year, a "Flex Learning Day" will be announced and students, preschool through grade 12, will continue their classwork from home. Flex Learning Days will keep student learning on track and alleviate the need to add makeup days at the end of the school year.
Q: When will a Flex Learning Day be declared?
A: There will be no school expectations for student learning on the first two winter weather closures of the school year. On the third and following winter weather closures, the district will announce a Flex Learning Day and students will continue their classwork from home. The district will contact families on the day of any winter weather closure and inform them of whether it is a Flex Learning Day or not in the automated call. Information will also be posted on the district website,
Q: Where can Flex Learning Day assignments be found?
A: Elementary school students and families, including those in preschool, will receive a printed Flex Learning board to use on Flex Learning Days. A copy of each class's board will also be available on the Elementary Flex Learning webpage (link will open on Flex Learning Days). Middle and high school students will find their assignments through Schoology. Assignments will be posted within 30 minutes of the start of class and no later than noon for all classes.
Q: Will teachers be available on winter weather-related Flex Learning Days?
A: Yes! Teachers will be available to answer questions by school email during typical school hours. Elementary school teachers will also be available through Seesaw, and middle and high school teachers will be available through Schoology. However, there will be no synchronous (Zoom) lessons.
Q: What if I need help with Seesaw or Schoology?
A: For help with digital tools like Seesaw and Schoology, click here for the ISD 199 Digital Tools website. The website includes tutorials and more information to help you navigate both systems.
Q: Why didn’t I receive an email about the Flex Learning Day?
A: If others in your child’s class received an email about a Flex Learning Day but you did not, please check that your preferred email address is listed on Infinite Campus and marked for “Emergency” and “General" notifications. For instructions on how to check and update your contact preferences in Infinite Campus, visit