Annual Notifications

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Annual Notifications


Inver Grove Heights Schools (ISD 199) makes the following notifications and information available to families at the beginning of each school year:

Student Handbooks
Inver Grove Heights Schools’s Elementary Student Handbook and Student Rights & Responsibilities handbook outline important policies and appropriate school behavior for students. The 2024-2025 handbooks are available on the district website at

School Immunizations
Minnesota state law requires students to receive vaccinations to enroll in childcare, early childhood programs, and school. Parents must submit written proof of vaccinations before enrolling. Visit for information about on-time vaccinations, exceptions, and resources.

Liability for Personal Property
Inver Grove Heights Schools is not liable for any personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged. It is recommended that students leave valuable personal items at home. Those who choose to bring personal items to school do so at their own risk.

Accident Insurance
Currently, Inver Grove Heights Schools does not provide accident insurance for injuries that happen to students at school or during school activities. Parents who wish to have this type of accident protection are encouraged to contact an insurance company.

Student Surveys
Student surveys may be conducted as determined necessary by the school district. Surveys, analyses and evaluations conducted as part of any program funded through the U.S. Department of Education must comply with 20 U.S.C. § 1232h. 

Student surveys will be conducted anonymously and in an indiscernible fashion. No mechanism will be used for identifying the participating student in any way. There will be no requirement that the student return the survey, and no record of the student’s returning a survey will be maintained. 

The school district will give parents and/or guardians reasonable notice of planned surveys scheduled after the start of the school year. Parents and/or guardians will also have the opportunity to review the survey and to opt their students out of participating in the survey.

To read Policy 520, click here for student policies and find "520 Student Surveys.”

Student Data Privacy Notification
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 13.32, was recently amended to better protect student privacy. The law requires technology companies to ensure student privacy and security and requires that school districts notify families about what digital tools they use that contain student data. Notice is hereby given that more information and a list of applications that Inver Grove Heights Schools uses is available at

Education Record Access
A student’s education records will be transferred to other educational institutions upon transfer of the student. Parents, guardians, or students 18 years of age or older also have the right to inspect and review the education records maintained by Inver Grove Heights Schools (ISD 199). Such information will be disclosed to the authorized requestor except when federal or state law bars disclosure. A request for disclosure may be made to the school’s principal. You have the right to request an amendment to your student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights.

To read Policy 515, click here for student policies and find "515 Protection and Privacy of Student Records.”

If you have any questions, please contact your school principal or the ISD 199 Director of Special Services at 651-306-7828. Complaints regarding alleged violations of rights can be submitted in writing to: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202.

Non-Release of Directory Information
Unlike education records, businesses, organizations, and any member of the public can request directory information about students attending Inver Grove Heights Schools (ISD 199). Directory information is most often requested for mailings to promote community activities, such as youth sports teams and scout groups.

Directory information is defined by ISD 199 School Board Policy 515 – Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records, which also governs its release. “Directory information” means information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes, but is not limited to: the student’s name, school photograph, grade level, honors and awards received, and photos for school-approved publications, newspapers, cablecasts, bulletins, programs, or similar school-produced information pieces. It also includes the name(s) of the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s). Directory information does not include personally identifiable data, such as social security number, student ID, or data that references religion, race, color, social position, or nationality.

Parents of students younger than 18 years of age and students who are 18 years of age or older have the right under federal and state law to direct the district to not release directory information. If you do not want this information released, you must complete and return a Non-Release of Directory Information form to the school your child attends by October 1 of each school year. Click here for the Directory Non-release Form.

Students with Non-Release of Directory Information forms on file will not appear in their school yearbooks, event programs, recognition articles, or any other public document.

The directory non-release request will remain in effect for the remainder of the school year in which it is made. A new request must be completed each school year.

To read Policy 515, click here for student policies and find "515 Protection and Privacy of Student Records.”

Non-Release of Information to Military Recruiters
Notice is hereby given that parents of students under 18 years of age and students who are 18 years of age or older may refuse the release of data to military recruiters. The State of Minnesota’s Government Data Practices Act section on Military Recruitment states:

A secondary institution shall release to military recruiting officers the names, addresses, and home telephone numbers of students in grades 11 and 12 within 60 days after the date of the request, except as otherwise provided by this subdivision. Data released to military recruiting officers under this subdivision:

  • (1) may be used only for the purpose of providing information to students about military service, state and federal veterans’ education benefits, and other career and educational opportunities provided by the military; and

  • (2) shall not be further disseminated to any other person except personnel of the recruiting services of the armed forces.

A parent of a student, or a student who is 18 years of age or older, has the right to refuse the release of their name, address, and home telephone number to military recruiting officers. To refuse the release of the previously mentioned information to military recruiting officers, a parent of a student or an eligible student must complete and return a Military Opt-out Form to their school by September 1 of each school year. Click here for the Military Opt-out Form. A new request must be completed each school year.

Open Enrollment
Current Inver Grove Heights Schools (ISD 199) students who move to a residence outside the boundaries of ISD 199 must also complete an open enrollment application. Students who move out of boundaries are guaranteed a spot at their current school, but they must complete the application to notify the district and the state that they are a non-resident student. For application information, click here for the Non-Resident Open Enrollment webpage.

State-Required Background Checks
Notice is hereby given that Inver Grove Heights Schools (ISD 199) complies with state law requiring school districts to perform criminal history background checks.

ISD 199 obtains criminal history checks on everyone offered employment in the district as well as selected volunteers and independent contractors, including volunteer coaches, with the exception of enrolled students. In exercising its discretion with respect to independent contractors and volunteers, the district considers such factors as the amount of student contact and the duration of the contract.

The district does not perform background checks on the staff or volunteers of outside clubs or organizations that offer activities for youth in the community that are not organized or operated by the district.

Health & Safety Notifications