Information for enrolled preschool families 2024-2025
The Early Learning Office is the main office for all early learning programs, including preschool in all other buildings, ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education), and Early Childhood Screening.
Location: Early Learning Center (Door 2) - connected to Hilltop Elementary
3203 68th St E, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076
Office hours: Monday - Friday 7:15 am -3:30 pm
Administrative Assistant: Bridgett Johnson, 651-306-7503, can help with enrollment, financial aid, screening, transportation, and other questions about preschool.
Letters to Parents
Preschool Family Handbook 2024-2025
Class Calendars for 2024-2025
4-year old preschool calendars -Hilltop, Pine Bend & Salem Hills
Monday - Friday AM and All Day Classes
Monday-Thursday PM Classes
Monday, Tuesday Thursday ECSE @ Salem Hills
3-year old preschool calendars - Early Learning Center
Mon-Wed-Fri Class
Tues and Thurs Class
Mon & Wed Class
Bus Transportation
Your 4 year-old may be eligible to ride the bus IF pick up and drop off is within the school attendance boundaries. Children who ride the bus to school in the early morning, and/or who leave at 2:30 PM, will ride the same bus as K-5 students. Preschool students are asked to sit in the front of the bus. (Siblings can sit with them.) A parent or other parent-approved sibling or adult, must be at the bus stop with the preschool child. At school, preschool children a staff member will pick up the student from the bus and walk them to class, then walk them from class to the bus.
Bus changes or updates will not be processed until week 3 of school. Mid-year changes can take up to 2 weeks. Complete Transportation Request Form and drop off at the Early Learning Center or take a picture and email to [email protected]. Questions? Changes? Call 651-306-7503.
For bus riders: Get MY STOP APP
ISD 199 Transportation My Stop app that shows parents the location of their child’s bus in real time.
Log in to your account to pay tuition - For help, or to pay over the phone, call Bridgett at 651-306-7503. Tuition is paid in nine equal installments, September through May. Invoices are billed on the 20th of the prior month, and due on the 10th. (Example: An invoice for October tuition will be sent Sep 20. Payment is due on Oct 10.) If your payment is not received by the 10th of each month, a $10 late fee will be charged to your account. Auto-pay can be set up on your account.
Schedule Early Childhood Screening Appointment Early Childhood Screening is required for all children in preschool. If your child has already been screened here in IGH, in another school district, or in Head Start -- they do not need to be screened again.
Health Forms
Immunization Record(required)You can use the print-out from your doctor or complete this form. Immunizations must be complete and on file before student can start class.
Procedures for Dispensing Medication at School
Are Your Kids Ready? What Minnesota's Immunization Law Requires
¿Están listos sus hijos?Qué requiere la ley de inmunización de Minnesota
ISD 199 Preschool Health Information - Should I keep them home???
Specific Illness Information
Additional Preschool Forms
Preschool Supply List / Lista de útiles preescolares
Emergency Form
Financial Aid Form (If you are unable to pay full fee, send this in with your registration)
Snack List (peanut and nut free snacks only)
Help us get to know your child. This information will go to your child's teacher.