Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Students being brought to school by car should not arrive at school prior to 7:35 a.m. There is no supervision for students who arrive earlier, as school staff are busy preparing for the day. Students who do arrive earlier must wait in the entryway.
Spartan Kids Care provides before and after school care if needed. For more information regarding Kids Care, please call 651-306-7502.
Student Drop-Off between 7:35-7:50 a.m.
Parents dropping off students in the morning should drop them off in the front of the school. To alleviate congestion, please pull forward as far as possible along the curb and have your student exit the car door onto the sidewalk, to the right side of car and not into the passing lane. If you (the driver) need to exit your car, please park in the parking lot and walk your student into the school.
Student Pick Up During The School Day
If you need to pick up your student early (prior to 2:30 pm), you will need to stop in the office to check your child out. To maximize student learning, your child will not be called out of class until you arrive at school to sign him/her out. The office will then call the classroom and ask that your child be sent to meet you in the office.
Change In End Of Day Plans
If you know in advance that your student will need to make a change to their regular end of day routine, please send a note with your student or email your student’s teacher.
If you need to make a change of plans during the school day, please call the office at 651-306-7701 no later than 2:00 pm to ensure your student receives the new pick up information. For safety reasons, NO end of day changes will be made after 2:15 pm. When calling the office, be prepared to provide the following information:
Child’s Name
Teacher’s Name
Name of who will be picking up your child (if being picked up)
Bus letter and stop where your student will be getting off (if bus change)
Student Pick Up
If you pick your student up at the end of the day, please find a parking spot. Parents must come into the vestibule and wait for their student to come down from class. Students are not allowed to wait on the curb as we want to assure a safe transition for students at the end of the school day.