Back to School Information


Simley Orientation

Welcome back to another exciting school year!  Please use the links below to access all of Simley's back to school materials.

Back to School Mailing
9th Grade Letter
10th-12th Grade Letter

Freshman LINK Day

Family Connections Day

Health Packet
If your student will need to take medication during the school day, please fill out the Dispensing Medication at School form. This form, and any other documentation from a doctor, can be returned during orientation, or any time in the main office. More health-related information can be found at the Health Services website.

Lifetouch Photos
Lifetouch will be taking school photos on Orientation Day, August 20. Students who do not take school photos will not receive a student ID card. To order photos, please use the flyer linked here. Click here for ordering options and FAQs.

Complete the Annual Student Update by August 20
All families MUST complete the Annual Student Update through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal by August 20 to receive their schedule. No Annual Update = No Schedule. The Annual Student Update is a simple, one-stop way to make sure your children’s information is up-to-date for the new school year. In the update, you will review emergency contact information, your family’s preferences, sign the Annual Tech Agreement (must be done to receive their iPad). You can email [email protected] for any assistance in accessing your username/password.

Technology Guide
To access the Annual Student Update and pay for the iPad protection plan, sports registration, and parking, click here for Infinite Campus instructions.

Daily Schedule

Vaccine Clinic / Clínica de Vacunación

Food Service
Find out how school breakfast and lunch work. Click here for the Food Service Bulletin. / Descubra cómo funcionan los desayunos y almuerzos escolares. Haga clic aquí para ver el boletín de servicio de alimentación.

Educational Benefits
All families are encouraged to apply for educational benefits. Complete an Educational Benefits Application to qualify your family for school year savings on activity fees, school device protection plans, utilities, and more. Specifically for the high school, you can receive savings for things such as parking, prom, and grad fees. Every qualifying application also brings up to $1,500 in student support aid to your child's school. Click here for the Food Services Bulletin with helpful information about meals and prices.

Parking - No Paper Applications
Students interested in parking at the high school must fill out the parking application and pay the parking fee online in Infinite Campus. As parking permits are limited, they will be distributed following priority status: students that need to leave for their educational programs (PSEO, Work Experience, etc), seniors, then juniors (sophomores if there are any left). If your student is NOT a senior but enrolled in PSEO, Work Experience, and/or any TriDistrict CAPS program, contact Ms. Sievert ([email protected]).

The parking applications will be available via Infinite Campus per schedule:

  • Seniors: Aug. 12 - Sept. 6
  • Juniors: Sept. 9 - 20
  • Sophomores: Sept. 23 - 27 (pending availability)

*students will be notified when their permits are ready for pick-up via their school email address*

Register for Busing by August 20
Families who need transportation must register their child EVERY SCHOOL YEAR. Only families who register by Tuesday, August 20, will be guaranteed transportation that starts on the first day of school. Click here to register for busing.