District Headlines

ISD 199 Student Advisory Council at IGH City Hall
ISD 199 Student Advisory Council Tours City Hall
The ISD 199 Student Advisory Council toured Inver Grove Heights City Hall to learn how the city works. / El Consejo Asesor Estudiantil del ISD 199 recorrió el Ayuntamiento de Inver Grove Heights para conocer cómo funciona la ciudad.
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ISD 199 logo in blue
Flex Learning Days
On scheduled Flex Learning Days, students in grades 6-12 will complete assignments at home and students in preschool through grade 5 will not have school that day. / En los días de aprendizaje flexible programados, los estudiantes de 6º a 12º grado completarán las tareas en casa y los estudiantes desde preescolar hasta 5º grado no tendrán clases ese día.
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Students try out dentistry at Herzing University
TriDistrict CAPS Program Creates Pathway for Dental Healthcare Careers
The Smile and Shine Pathway will support TriDistrict CAPS Healthcare students on a direct path to careers in dental healthcare. / El programa Smile and Shine Pathway apoyará a los estudiantes de TriDistrict CAPS Healthcare en un camino directo hacia carreras en atención médica dental.
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Families and friends of all ages skate together
SPARC Hosts Free Open Skate Event on March 14
All ISD 199 families are invited to a FREE Open Skate Night on March 14 at the VMCC, hosted by IGH SPARC and IGH Parks and Recreation. / Todas las familias de ISD 199 están invitadas a una Noche de patinaje abierta GRATUITA el 14 de marzo en VMCC, organizada por IGH SPARC y IGH Parks and Recreation.
Read More about SPARC Hosts Free Open Skate Event on March 14
Dakota County Public Health parent workshop
Free Parent Workshop on March 4
Three experts will host a FREE parent workshop focused on information and tools to address youth vaping and cannabis use. / Tres expertos organizarán un taller GRATUITO para padres centrado en información y herramientas para abordar el vapeo y el consumo de cannabis entre los jóvenes.
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About ISD 199

Inver Grove Heights Schools serves approximately 3,400 in our preschools, three elementary schools, middle school, and high school. We also offer a gifted magnet program, Atheneum, for eligible students in grades 2-5, and an alternative learning program through Simley High School for juniors and seniors. Our district strives to meet the needs and advance the interests of students and parents. Students can expand their learning through advanced and accelerated courses in middle school and a variety of academic programs in high school, including an expansive list of immersive career courses and concurrent enrollment options in partnership with local colleges.

TriDistrict Community Education, a part of our district, also offers programming for learners of all ages, including Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), Adult Basic Education, and community education classes for youth and adults. 

For more information, contact the district office at 651-306-7800.

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